Thursday, January 23, 2014


I love this quote from LuxYoga - from an article talking about the art of moving into challenging yoga postures - but I thought it applies to life situations as well, and made me laugh out loud.

"Move one breath at a time and open from the inside out instead of trying to break into the pose like it's a locked apartment. Every blockage in your body deserves your breath, love and attention"

I am on the path of self actualization - I would like to become more "me" everyday.  That entails letting go of some habits and patterns that no longer serve me, and are at times harmful to my relationships.  I am guilty of trying to "break into" new habits, being impatient with myself and judgmental of my emotions, and lack of progress.  This quote was so helpful - and useful guide to how I should proceed.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Do something Big, Hairy and Audacious

"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view.  May your mountains rise into and above the clouds." Edward Abbey  

2014.  Can you believe it is actually here?  We have 365 days to write a brand new story.   I believe whether you do something or you do nothing,  time will keep moving on, so you might as well do something.

2013 was the year I dared to live according to the vision my head and the feeling in my heart.  I intended to live the dream.. and I began.  I actually taught yoga for a full year!  I followed my passion and became a  Holistic Nutrition Coach.  Feeding the body, mind and spirit – that is where it is at for me.  

Last year I was vulnerable by choice!  Yep – just threw my authentic self out there, took the risk of being rejected and judged.  Guess what – I got hurt.  I cried. I felt shame, anger and disappointment.  But you know what else? I experienced immense joy, found new depths of appreciation for my everyday life, made some amazing new friends – I cannot imagine life without them.  Even though everything did not work out as I wanted or planned – every experience held something  that was life changing and amazing –that, my friends, was what I was after.

I worked a lot.  Four  jobs to be exact –  and I loved every minute of it.  I became  something of an expert on the Raleigh Food Scene; I leaned about our slow food movement, our food truck rodeos, the chefs, restaurant owners, wait-staff and their passion to bring the best locally sourced food to people like me and you.  I absolutely fell in love, who knew a New Yorker could love the South so deeply and completely.

This year, I want to work less.  I want to designate one day a week, that I am not scheduled to work anywhere.   I have committed to writing a blog, publishing a newsletter, launching some health and lifestyle inspired programs that would  help people reach not only their health goals, but their Totally Groovy Life goals.

So for 2014 –  I will have less fear, as I push past my boundaries. I will ignore the voices in my head and just do it – as many times as it takes, until I find my personal path to success.  I will get to my edge and jump - so that my wings will have an opportunity to help me soar.  Tall order – I know but you know dreams – they have to be Big, Hairy and Audacious.

What are you going to have a Big, Hairy, Audacious year?