Life's Challenges = Gifts
Sometimes I become so tunneled vision – I cannot see the
forest for the trees.
My issues and challenges seem to become
giants threatening to engulf me. I am not
exaggerating when I tell you, I have a hard time breathing. My fear takes over and my thoughts and emotions take me on a wild ride in the "wrong direction".
If this happens to you, I hope you recognize that you are human, and you are not alone.
The trick is to recognize what is happening,
and take measures to bring yourself some better perspective.
The one thing I know for sure – life’s
challenges bring hidden gifts of self awareness and growth.
5 Things to do when you need perspective:
1 – Move your body – walk, run, do yoga, – Movement will help energize you, releasing
“feel good” endorphins that improves mood.
2 – Observe the thoughts and the feelings (easier said than done, I know) - This can give you insight on what is really happening inside of you. Over time you will see a pattern, and identify the "real" reason for your reaction.
3 – Eat whole foods – rich in micro nutrients and
vitamins. Unprocessed or minimally
processed food will be easily utilized by the body. Additionally, some foods actually help you
get into a better mood:
· Complex Carbs
- Green Leafy Vegetables, whole grains,
· Omega 3 Fatty Acids – Fatty fish, flaxseed,
· Selenium – Seafood, Nuts and Seeds, Lean Meat,
Whole Grains, Beans and Legumes
· Good Breakfast – includes fiber, lean protein,
good fats, whole grains
· Vitamin D – Take supplements, get lots of
sunshine – mushroom, fish, cod liver oil, Eggs
· High Quality Dark Chocolate
4 – Have a go-to Mantra or an empowering song/playlist. Example: "I love the person I am becoming."
5 – Talk About It! – It
is helpful to have someone that you trust, that you are comfortable with, and
who will listen without judgments. This
will get the stuff out of your head, so you can think clearly - a friend, a life or health coach, a support group.