Monday, July 28, 2014

What If You Are Already Ready?

So, the plan is that you will wait until you look exactly the way you want to and then you will start doing the things you love, and living the life you want. 

You imagine that when you look the way you want, then you could love yourself, and then you will give yourself permission to have fun.

Could it be that you are already ready?

Have you noticed, that you have been on the "diet-to-love" band wagon for as long as you can remember?

Have you noticed that sometimes you get traction, and you hang on to a diet, and lose the weight, and you think you are really close, and WHAM, you fall off and back slide all the way past the start line?

Have you noticed, that the love of self never came, that there was always fear looming around?

Could it be that until you love and accept yourself - you will not make any sustained progress?

Just think about this.

Could it be that until you really partner with your inner voice, you will feel the fear and hear the judgement and never feel the love?

Could it be that you are good enough already?

Could it be that until you go inside and take notice of were the pain is, you will always be wanting and waiting?

Could it be that you are telling yourself a story about what you can and cannot do, that is no longer true for you?

Could it be that the gift of self-acceptance will make it easier to become the person you see in your mind's eye?

Could it be that you could give yourself permission to have fun, and build the life you imagine today?

What if the life you are waiting to begin can begin today?

Are you willing to be willing to entertain the idea that this is the real truth?

If this is true, what would you do today?


Leave a comment below - I really want to know what amazing things you are going to do..

Monday, July 21, 2014

Love The One You're With

In order to get the body you want, you have to love the one you have today.

That is some sound advice, but when you are staring in the mirror - and not liking what you see, it can be hard to find a way to love the body you have.

I have been trying different ways to explain to my clients how this works, but not quite getting them to jump on board with the "love".

Now I think I got it!

This weekend I was cleaning my house, and thinking about how much I love this house.  I do not want to move - ever.  However, I noticed that the walls needed painting, the floors need to be refinished, and I would love to make some changes - adding french doors from the kitchen to the deck, and adding on a cozy den, with an upstairs library...

So my house isn't perfectly what I want for me and my family, but I love it and I am looking forward to making the changes to make it perfect.  If I didn't love this house, I would not want to invest the time and effort and money to make perfect (according to my vision).

This is how it works with loving your body you have now - recognizing that all the foundation elements are there.  There is no place to move to, but you have the option to make changes - change hair color, change diet, lose/gain weight.

So to begin the transformation start with this simple mantra: 
"Even though I _(fill in the thing that you find unsatisfactory)____, I totally love and respect myself.

Example, "Even though I did not exercise today as I planned, I totally love and respect myself."

So, love the one (body) you're with.

Let me know if this worked for you - leave a comment.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Life's Challenges = Gifts

Sometimes I become so tunneled vision – I cannot see the forest for the trees. 

My issues and challenges seem to become giants threatening to engulf me.  I am not exaggerating when I tell you, I have a hard time breathing. My fear takes over and my thoughts and emotions take me on a wild ride in the "wrong direction".

If this happens to you, I hope you recognize that you are human, and you are not alone.  

The trick is to recognize what is happening, and take measures to bring yourself some better perspective. 

The one thing I know for sure – life’s challenges  bring hidden gifts of self awareness and growth.

5 Things to do when  you need perspective:

1 – Move your body – walk, run, do yoga, –  Movement will help energize you, releasing “feel good” endorphins that improves mood.

2 – Observe the thoughts and the feelings (easier said than done, I know) - This can give you insight on what is really happening inside of you.  Over time you will see a pattern, and identify the "real" reason for your reaction.

3 – Eat whole foods – rich in micro nutrients and vitamins.  Unprocessed or minimally processed food will be easily utilized by the body.  Additionally, some foods actually help you get into a better mood:
·       Complex Carbs  - Green Leafy Vegetables, whole grains,
·       Omega 3 Fatty Acids – Fatty fish, flaxseed, Walnuts
·       Selenium – Seafood, Nuts and Seeds, Lean Meat, Whole Grains, Beans and Legumes
·      Good Breakfast – includes fiber, lean protein, good fats, whole grains
·       Vitamin D – Take supplements, get lots of sunshine – mushroom, fish, cod liver oil, Eggs
·      High Quality Dark Chocolate

4 – Have a go-to Mantra or an empowering song/playlist.   Example:  "I love the person I am becoming."

5 – Talk About It! – It is helpful to have someone that you trust, that you are comfortable with, and who will listen without judgments.  This will get the stuff out of your head, so you can think clearly - a friend, a life or health coach, a support group.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I love this quote from LuxYoga - from an article talking about the art of moving into challenging yoga postures - but I thought it applies to life situations as well, and made me laugh out loud.

"Move one breath at a time and open from the inside out instead of trying to break into the pose like it's a locked apartment. Every blockage in your body deserves your breath, love and attention"

I am on the path of self actualization - I would like to become more "me" everyday.  That entails letting go of some habits and patterns that no longer serve me, and are at times harmful to my relationships.  I am guilty of trying to "break into" new habits, being impatient with myself and judgmental of my emotions, and lack of progress.  This quote was so helpful - and useful guide to how I should proceed.

Friday, January 10, 2014

Do something Big, Hairy and Audacious

"May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view.  May your mountains rise into and above the clouds." Edward Abbey  

2014.  Can you believe it is actually here?  We have 365 days to write a brand new story.   I believe whether you do something or you do nothing,  time will keep moving on, so you might as well do something.

2013 was the year I dared to live according to the vision my head and the feeling in my heart.  I intended to live the dream.. and I began.  I actually taught yoga for a full year!  I followed my passion and became a  Holistic Nutrition Coach.  Feeding the body, mind and spirit – that is where it is at for me.  

Last year I was vulnerable by choice!  Yep – just threw my authentic self out there, took the risk of being rejected and judged.  Guess what – I got hurt.  I cried. I felt shame, anger and disappointment.  But you know what else? I experienced immense joy, found new depths of appreciation for my everyday life, made some amazing new friends – I cannot imagine life without them.  Even though everything did not work out as I wanted or planned – every experience held something  that was life changing and amazing –that, my friends, was what I was after.

I worked a lot.  Four  jobs to be exact –  and I loved every minute of it.  I became  something of an expert on the Raleigh Food Scene; I leaned about our slow food movement, our food truck rodeos, the chefs, restaurant owners, wait-staff and their passion to bring the best locally sourced food to people like me and you.  I absolutely fell in love, who knew a New Yorker could love the South so deeply and completely.

This year, I want to work less.  I want to designate one day a week, that I am not scheduled to work anywhere.   I have committed to writing a blog, publishing a newsletter, launching some health and lifestyle inspired programs that would  help people reach not only their health goals, but their Totally Groovy Life goals.

So for 2014 –  I will have less fear, as I push past my boundaries. I will ignore the voices in my head and just do it – as many times as it takes, until I find my personal path to success.  I will get to my edge and jump - so that my wings will have an opportunity to help me soar.  Tall order – I know but you know dreams – they have to be Big, Hairy and Audacious.

What are you going to have a Big, Hairy, Audacious year?

Friday, September 20, 2013

What is the Purpose?

    by Sharon MacGregor

The answer is the question

When am I going to learn to STOP telling the universe how things should work out?  Sometimes, I do not realize that I am doing it.  I find myself in a situation, and assume it should go this way and then I spend, a lot of mental energy trying to force what I want to happen.  There is frustration, anxiety and anger in this approach.  Especially since it never, ever works out – plans fall apart, feelings get hurt, time and money is wasted. 

My response, of course is to swing to the other extreme – I am going to shun this situation. Ignore the feelings; denounce the connection or the energy.  That is equally frustrating, because it is a constant battle “to remember to forget” something that is ringing in your soul. 

Eventually, I collapse in mental exhaustion, “I give up.”  Then, as if by magic – some clarity begins to permeate my mind.  Not an answer, or a revelation of what must be done with clear directions on how to do it, but the right questions – What could possibly be the intended purpose of this situation in my life?  How can I serve?  How can I grow?  What are the gifts here?

I find myself in such a predicament, as I aspire to live as my authentic self.  I do not want to be hampered by shame or ego.  I want to follow the desires of my heart.  I can hear the judgment in my head constantly.  “Are you crazy?”   “That is stupid?”  “How are you going to explain this to everyone?”  “People are going to think you are (a)__________ (fill in the blank with several different words).”  I do not want to be guided in my choices by these comments.

I am consciously choosing my actions and my words and checking my intention.  I am focused on getting the gifts, learning the lessons (albeit, eventually).  I am finding that when I act from this place of “allowing”, there is a sweet joy, a comfort and inner strength.  I recognize that the outcome is not for me to determine.  It is for me to be real, to serve, to be a friend, to give love and acceptance.  When mistakes are made and my ego is ruffled, it is for me to forgive.

I have an extraordinary opportunity to express who I am – to do the work of asking for what I want, expressing my hurt, being thankful, appreciating goodness, kindness, sweetness – the attributes I seek to develop in myself.  I can create an extraordinary experience that will last a lifetime.  

So the lesson for me is to constantly check in with myself, be honest about my feelings and my struggles, and always ask the questions about purpose, because they are the answers.

Sharon MacGregor, owner of Serene Serendipity, is an Integrative Health and Lifestyle Coach and Yoga Instructor, working with people who are ready to reclaim their health and live their dreams.  She is a a passionate foodie.  Her approach is to bring balance and connection to all areas of life, so the everyday is fulfilling. This mother of 2, is intent on helping people live the life of their dreams today.  Twitter:  @serenesharon  Facebook

Monday, February 6, 2012

What do I truly Love? 5 Ways to find your answer.

Perhaps loving something is the only starting place there is for making your life your own. - Alice Koeler

February is the month dedicated to LOVE.  This month holds the promise, that if we make what we truly love a part of our everyday, each day (regardless of the challenges) will be fully lived and fully enjoyed.

What do you truly love?  If you do not have an answer, do not worry, you are not alone.  The reality is - most of us do not know what we love.  During the course of our lives, other people's ideas about what we should love, and when, and how,  blur and hide our "real" answer.  Eventually, we have no idea what we truly love.  Thankfully, we can find the answer(s) by doing any or all of the following:
  • Carry a small note book - each time you say to yourself, "I wish I could do that" - write it down.
  • In your note book, record what you like about what other people are wearing - earrings, handbags, tee shirts, boots/shoes -  no plan, no judgement just appreciation.
  • Carry a camera or use your phone camera to take pictures of things that catch your attention - patterns, furniture, signs, color combinations, shapes....any and everything.
  • Start a Pintrest Board - this is an online "scrapbook"/pin board, which allows you to collect (and share if you like) images of things that you find interesting, as you cruise cyberspace - 
  • Visit local places - parks, restaurants, stores, malls - that has "something" special that resonates with you.  Allow yourself time to just sit and take in the atmosphere.
Here are just a few of my favorite, inspiring places:
This is an exciting adventure, that will immediately change our lives, since we will be focusing on all that is good in our lives.  Who knows what the "records" will show by month's end, and how our lives will change as we fill our days with our true loves.

Serene Serendipity - Divine Events and Retreats has set up some exciting "adventures" that makes it easy for  you to explore and uncover your loves.  Check in at