Thursday, November 3, 2011

Make Space For Your Dreams & Wishes

Reclaim your day, reclaim your life.  Your life is what you are doing now, and not what you want to be doing or wish you could be doing.   How did you spend today?  How much fun did you have?  How much of your day was focused on your personal passion or purpose?  Do you even know where the time went?  If you are like most people - you ran along with your day, or rather, you ran behind it - barely keeping up.  Many of us want a life that is a happier, more interesting, reflection of who we are and what we are all about.  It is not that we do not try, every January, we make resolutions, and every February, we fall off the wagon, and don’t try to get back on until January comes along again. 

We can all live happy, bubbling-over-with-joy lives every single day. Notice, I did not say perfect-without-challenges-or-disappointment lives.  It starts with knowing where you are now.  Only then, can you identify what stays, and what can be changed, deleted or improved. Only then, can you start adding the ‘dreams’ and ‘wishes’.  It really is that simple.

On Serene, I have posted questions and downloadable forms, which can help anyone identify how they are spending their time, and how they are feeling as they move through the 'stuff' that is their current life.  It takes commitment (not just trying).  Seven days, just one-week of self observation.  Awareness is a powerful catalyst for change.  I know, because it changed my life, even as I was conducting the “research”, I was identifying areas ripe for change.

Here is how it works:
  • Make a list of Wishes and Regrets (covered in my last blog Wishes & Regrets)
  • Commit to a thorough self evaluation for 7-days Track your time ‘spent’ on various tasks during the course of the day  
  • Complete a daily log – which covers how you felt, what you wore, what you ate, who you spent time with, among other things. 
  • At the end of each day you could color-in the 24-segment pie-chart – which will give a  "day in the life".

You will make some surprising discoveries about yourself and your life.  I realized that I did not do as much domestic related work as I had thought I did (I checked the figures twice!).  I realized that grocery shopping took about,  one and a half  hours because I wandered  around “just looking”.  I also found out that I drive about 3-hours every day!
I discovered, that my life was filled with opportunities to include my personal passion and purpose.  My personal happiness and fulfillment positively affects the people around me.  So this investment is worth it and you already have everything you need to start your Life Evaluation today.  Serendipity wants to help - just give her space.